Friday, October 22, 2010

.: Yasmin Ahmad's Contribution to Ethnics Relation.:

This is an update post on what have been presented by me in the class few weeks ago.

We have watch many interesting advertisement in tv.Mostly commercial from Petronas.Such as shown by Mr Ahmad in our last class.And I am sure that most of us have watched SEPET,GUBRA,TALENTIME and MUKHSIN.I think some of you can guest what I’m going to share with you.

If you watch all the film and advertisement.i’m sure that you know the person who responsible to all these art work.

I’m sure that you had heard this name.Yasmin Ahmad.She had left us about 1 year.

Why I choose her to become my subject today,is because she was a very serious person in promoting ethnics unity.This is clearly view from all her art artwork.Most of her film and advertisement are promoting multiraces.

Most of her work for advertisement will kept in our memory.I’m sure that we love the advertisement we watch in our class.Very catchy full with the message to unite we as Malaysian.Beside promoting ethnics unity to Malaysian, she also introduce Malaysia as a country with multiraces .But s ill peace with no problem.

The box office movie, Sepet is a story love between two races,which are Chinse and Malay .Other box office movie,Talentime,shows that Malaysia is really a multiraces country.Every film had been directed to show that there will no gap between ethnics.

Maybe some of these film has controversy,but now I want us to realize her hard work in promoting Malaysia as a peace company with many ethnics.

Her hard work paid by many awards.All the awards were not just from Malaysia but International award,

From Sepet she got 18th Tokyo International Film Festival Best Asian Film Award.

From Talentime she got Malaysia Film Festival awards for Best Director and the lovely tv commercial for Petronas advertisement Tan Hong Ming In Love that we watched in the last class she got Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival 2008 Gold Winner .

I hope that our film makers in Malaysia will support ethnic unity like what had done by Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad.And everybody have to work to promote ethnics unity even who we are.Hopefully all her artwork will remain in our memory.We should let people around d know we live happily in a multiraces country.These had been done by Allahyarhamah from Sepet,Mukhsin and many more films and all the TV commercial.We have to continue her hard work.



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