Friday, October 22, 2010



Data description

From 54 respondents,30 female and 24 male , we have analyzed the data collected.

The questionnaire had been answered by 74.8 % respondents from technical (engineering) field. From all the respondents, just 35.18% have heard about “DASAR PERINDUSTRIAN BERAT NEGARA” .And most who have not heard about this are not from engineering field.91% from the respondent who are not from engineering field have not heard about the policy.

Only 24.07 % respondents agree that only engineering or technical students will give their contribution to industrial field.While others disagree.

16.7 % respondent disagree that the policy will help the students in engineering field and 88.8% agree that the policy help the development of Malaysia’s economy.

The percentage of respondents that agree this policy have unite the ethnics is lower than the respondents who say no.62.96% respondents say that this policy never unite the ethnics.

From all the data,

Itshows that only people who involved in the field will realize what happen between them.

Besides, there are still many Malaysian do not know the knowledge about our country.

This survey conclude that, the policy can be improved to unite the ethnics unity in industrial concept.


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