Saturday, August 21, 2010

.:FORUM:Part I.:

Our lecture class have been divided into 12 groups based on the comic acting or short play that we had done 2 weeks ago.Based on the topic of the short play,we need to send a representative as a panel to a ETHNIC RELATIONS FORUM.

For Kami Tak Rigid,we had done the voting session to select a panel.The lucky person to be our panel is ADEEBAH JAMAR.

For this part 1 of the forum,there's no panel from our group.Part 1 forum had run smoothly conducted by the happening moderator MOHD NOR KHAIDEER.
Hopefully our group especially our panel can do the best on the part2 forum..

Just a feedback from us,Wong Chun Yuan did the best as a panel in the forum.He comes with a very good answer with a fact! CONGRATULATION WONG....

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